Basho 1978

BASHO means “place” in Japanese. This work, started in the 1977 and finished by 1979 represented the artist's first one person exhibition of photographs in 1978 after a painting solo show in 1977 at the Inland Empire Gallery at U.C. Riverside in Riverside, California. All of BASHO was printed approximately 6 x 9 inches and displayed raw, mounted like cards against a wall. The sequence of the works is long forgotten. The linked book recreates the exhibition how best the artist remembered with a few 1979 works that were not available at the time. Influenced by Lewis Baltz and Ralph Gibson, the work was reductive in nature; always used a tripod and the smallest possible aperture with the mirror locked up on an SRT Minolta camera. All work was printed the same without burning and dodging, using Kodak Plus-X, Agfa Brovira grade five paper. The work represents the artist's efforts to bring Zen Buddhist training to bear in creating photographs. The works were shown once again in 2009 at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art in a new sequence.

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